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Ballan Golf Club The Hidden Golfing Gem of the Central Highlands

AMBROSE EVENT!!!!!!Premier Fencing have partnered with Ballan Golf Club to bring you an exciting Ambrose tournament.For ...

Premier Fencing have partnered with Ballan Golf Club to bring you an exciting Ambrose tournament.
For bookings please contact
Rick Roden 0408 305 102
email: [email protected]


Ballan Golf Club Results w/e 26th November 2023.

Wednesday 22nd November 2023 – Stableford – Men’s & Ladies Competition.

Winner Nick Wallace (22) 42 points. R/u Hugh Miller (17) 38 points.
Magpie 14th Frank Raffaele. NTP’s 12th Kev Lockman, 15th Frank Raffaele.

Sunday 26th November 2023 – Stableford.

A Grade: Winner Barry Sims (12) 36 points on c/b from Damian Toohey (8).

B Grade: Winner on the day Bill Pickering (15) 42 points. R/u Athol Love (24) 39 points.

NTP’s: 12th Aggy Germon, 15th Peter Clifford.

Magpies: 14th Hugh Miller. 18th Rob Ross.

The view our maintenance crew were greeted with this morning. This is the beauty of Ballan Golf Club

The view our maintenance crew were greeted with this morning. This is the beauty of Ballan Golf Club

Today we were lucky to have Federal member for Hawke, Sam Rae MP,  drop in to discuss improvements to our club.

Today we were lucky to have Federal member for Hawke, Sam Rae MP, drop in to discuss improvements to our club.


Ballan Golf Club Results w/e 13th August 2023.

Wednesday 9th August 2023 – Stableford – Men’s & Ladies Competition.

Winner Denis Conroy (18) 35 points. R/u Don Wickson (14) 34 points.
Magpie 14th Chris Tudor. NTP’s: 12th Denis Conroy, 15th Chris Tudor.

Saturday 13th August 2023 – Stableford.

Winner on the day John Muhlhan (30) 39 points on c/b from Peter Clifford (15).

NTP’s: 12th Gerard Clifford, 15th Anthony Moore.

Magpies: 14th Rick Roden, 18th Ian Bragge.

Balls 5 Cut-off 34 points: John Muhlhan, Peter Clifford, Don Wickson, Gerard Clifford, Rick Roden.

Thank you everyone for taking part. See you soon!!

Tredam Golf had a look at our course a while ago. Give this video and their page a look see.

Tredam Golf had a look at our course a while ago. Give this video and their page a look see.

45 minutes from Melbourne, on the way to Ballarat is the tiny but beautiful town of Ballan, not far from the town centre is one of the best value golf course...


The Ballan Golf Club is unfortunately unable to compete in theMoorabool cup this weekend. We will instead hold a stableford competition across the weekend. The Sunday comp will most likely be starting from the 8th and 10th tees due to the clubrooms being booked for a private function. Vic will be in the clubrooms from approx 9am to collect fees. It had been requested that all vehicles are parked on old ballanee Rd near the sheds on Sunday as we are expecting over 100 ppl for the private function.


This week's results.....
Wednesday 2nd August 2023 – Stableford – Men’s & Ladies.

Winner Bill Pickering (19) 35 points. R/u Kev Lockman (18) 33 points.

Magpie 14th Barry Sims. NTP’s: 12th Les Martin, 15th Chris Tudor.

Sunday 6th August 2023 – Stroke – Monthly Medal.

A. Grade: Winner of Monthly Medal Chris Tudor 73-13-60. R/u Rick Roden 77-12-65.

B. Grade: Winner Gerard Clifford 88-24-64. R/u Peter Cox 81-16-65.

NTP’s: 12th Barry Sims.

Magpies: 14th Les Martin, 18th Rob Ross.

Balls 4, Cut-off 65: Gerard Clifford, Chris Tudor, Rick Roden, Peter Cox.

Well done Chris Tudor!!

Just received this kind message from Bacchus Marsh West golf clubThank you on behalf of the group of 20 players From Bac...

Just received this kind message from Bacchus Marsh West golf club

Thank you on behalf of the group of 20 players From Bacchus Marsh West Golf Club that came up to Ballan GC for visit , we had an awesome day even though it was very windy and cold , such a pretty course that definitely challenges the average golfer ! There were many laughs trying to hit those Par 3’s especially holes 17 and 12. It was great to come to a warm and welcoming club house after to share our war stories of our day with the Ballan members over a few drinks .


Ballan Golf Club Results w/e 30th July 2023.

Wednesday 26th July 2023 – Stableford, Men’s & Ladies Competition.

Winner Les Martin (19) 40 points. R/u Barry Sims (11) 36 points.

NTP’s: 12th David Leach, 15th Barry Sims. Magpie 14th Chris Tudor.

Sunday 30th July 2023 – Stroke.

A. Grade: Winner Anthony Moore 71-6-65, R/u Frank Raffaele 76-10-66.

B. Grade: Winner on the day Stuart Hill 76-16-60, R/u Bob Ross 77-16-61.

C. Grade: Winner John Muhlhan 98-30-68 on c/b from Athol Love 90-22-68.

NTP’s: 12th Rick Roden, 15th Anthony Moore.

Magpies: 14th & 18th Anthony Moore.

Balls 7, Cut-off 66: Anthony Moore, Frank Raffaele, Bob Ross, Stuart Hill, Bill Pickering, Tom Paarhammer, Les Martin


Results for last week's competitions.

Wednesday 19th July 2023 – Stableford – Men’s & Ladies.

Winner Peter Cox (12) 34 points. R/u Kev Lockman (17) 33 points.

NTP’s: 12th Jimmy Walsh, 15th Bill Pickering. Magpie 14th Kev Lockman.

Saturday 23rd July 2023 – Stableford, 7th Round House Teams.

Winner on the day Kev Lockman (17) 39 points. R/u Bill Pickering (19) 34 points.

NTP’s: 12th Barry Sims, 15th Frank Raffaele.

Magpies: 14th Chris Dunn, 18th Bob Arklay.

Balls 5, Cut-off 33 points: Kev Lockman, Chris Tudor, Bill Pickering, Gerard Clifford, Luke Sims.

A brilliant day for golf today. Thanks to all that came along!!!

A brilliant day for golf today. Thanks to all that came along!!!


Ballan Golf Club Results w/e 16th July 2023.
Wednesday 12th July 2023 – Stableford – Men’s & Ladies Competition.
Winner Hugh Miller (20) 34 points. R/u Denis Conroy (17) 33 points.
Magpie 14th Barry Sims. NTP’s: 12th Denis Conroy, 15th Bob Arklay.

Saturday 16th July 2023 – Stableford – 2 Person Multiply.
Winners: Anthony Moore & Bob Arklay 78 points.
R/u:John Costello & Barry Sims 61 points
NTP’s:12th Rob Brown, 15th Chris Tudor.
Magpies:14th & 18th Rick Roden.
Balls 6: Anthony Moore, Bob Arklay, John Costello, Barry Sims, Stuart Hill, John Muhlhan


Ballan Golf Club Results w/e 8th July 2023.

Wednesday 5th July 2023 – Stableford – Men’s & Ladies.

Winner Barry Sims (12) 34 points. R/u Kev Lockman (16) 33 points on c/b from Les Martin (19) & Bob Arklay (10).

NTP’s: 12th Frank Raffaele, 15th Don Wickson. Magpie 14th Barry Sims.

Saturday 8th July 2023 – Stableford, 6th Round House Teams.

Winner Barry Sims (12) 40 points. R/u Bill Pickering (19) 36 points.

NTP’s: 12th MaTT Reid, 15th Tom Paarhammer.

Magpies: 14th Chris Tudor, 18th Barry Sims.

Balls 3, Cut-off 35 points on c/b: Barry Sims, Bill Pickering, Matt Reid

Tom Paarhammer, winner of the Fairbairn Cup defeated Rick Roden 2 up, 1 to play.


Ballan Golf Club Results w/e 2nd July 2023.

Wednesday 28th June 2023 – Stableford – Men’s & Ladies.

Winner Bill Pickering (20) 38 points. R/u Barry Sims (12) 37 points.

Magpie 14th Frank Raffaele. NTP’s: 12th Don Wickson, 15th Barry Sims.

Sunday 2nd July 2023 – Stroke – Monthly Medal.

A. Grade: Winner Damian Toohey 73-9-64. R/u Rick Roden 78-12-66.

B. Grade: Winner of Monthly Medal Gerard Clifford 83-26-57. R/u Denis Conroy 82-16-66.

NTP’s: 12th Bob Ross, 15th Jason Bonar.

Magpies: 14th Anthony Moore, 18th Damian Toohey.

Balls 4, Cut-off 66 on c/b: Gerard Clifford, Damian Toohey, Rick Roden, Denis Conroy.


Ballan Golf Club Results w/e 18th June 2023.

Wednesday 14th June 2023 – Stableford, Men’s & Ladies Competition.

Winner Jimmy Walsh (18) 39 points. R/u Bill Pickering (20) 36 points.

NTP’s: 12th Kev Lockman, 15th Jimmy Walsh. Magpie 14th David Leach.

Saturday 18th June 2023 – Stroke – Fairbairn Cup Semi Final.

A. Grade: Overall Winner Bob Arklay 71-11-60. R/u Rick Roden 73-12-61.

B. Grade: Winner Denis Conroy 79-17-62. R/up Les Martin 83-18-65.

NTP’s: 12th Eddie Jackman, 15th Anthony Moore.

Magpies: 14th Pete Cox, 18th Chris Dunn.

Ball Comp - 5 Balls c/off 65: Bob Arklay, Rick Roden, Denis Conroy, Frank Raffaele, Anthony Moore.

Fairbairn Cup Semi Final: Rick Roden defeated Anthony Moore 5 & 4. Tom Paarhammer versus Don Wickson still to be played.



Following feedback from members and input from committee members the following has been decided.

For the coming months of June, July and August the weekend competition will be spread over Saturday and Sunday. This
means you can compete on either day with the final result determined after the Sunday event taking into account both days scores.

Those who decide to play on a Saturday may not also play a competition round Sunday.

I.E.using the Saturday as a practice round.

The Committee has taken this decision to trial the two competition days for the purpose of encouraging greater participation during the winter months.

As always feedback is welcomed.


Ballan Golf Club Results w/e 11th June 2023.

Wednesday 7th June 2023 – Stableford, Men’s & Ladies Competition.

Winner Don Wickson (12) 34 points. R/u Chris Tudor (12) 33 points.

NTP 15th & Magpie 14th Jimmy Walsh.

Saturday/Sunday 11th June 2023 – Stroke – Fairbairn Cup Qualifying Round 2.

A. Grade: Winner on the day Damian Toohey 69-9-60. R/u Tom Paarhammer 77-16-61.

B. Grade: Winner John Muhlhan 92-29-63. R/u Gerrard Clifford 90-25-65.

NTP’s: 12th Les Martin, 15th Chris Tudor.

Magpies: 14th David Leach, 18th Damian Toohey.

Ball Comp - 4 Balls c/off 65 on c/b: Damian Toohey, Tom Paarhammer, John Muhlhan, Anthony Moore.


Hi All,

The issue with the calendar on the Mobile version of the golf club website has now been fixed. Results and upcoming competitions can be viewed there. Results will still be published weekly on here as well.


Ballan Golf Club Results w/e 4th June 2023.

Wednesday 31st May 2023 – Stableford – Men’s & Ladies.

Winner Jimmy Walsh (19) 38 points. R/u Peter Cox (16) 37 points.

Magpie 14th Peter Cox. NTP’s: 12th Bob Arklay, 15th Nick Wallace.

Saturday 4th June 2023 – Stroke – Monthly Medal.

A. Grade: Winner of Monthly Medal Andrew Carton 73-13-60. R/u David Leach 74-13-61.

B. Grade: Winner Bill Pickering 85-20-65. R/u Stuart Miller 88-21-67.

NTP’s: 12th David Leach, 15th Barry Sims.

Magpies: 14th Hole-in-one Chris Dunn, 18th Chris Dunn.

Balls 6, Cut-off 67 on c/b: Andrew Carton, David Leach, Chris Dunn, Bill Pickering, Jason Bonar, Stuart Miller.

Good luck to those braving the conditions tomorrow. 20+ mm or rain throughout the day. Let's hope it is arriving after lunchtime!


A quick reminder that in the winter months of 2023, Ballan Golf Club has moved its weekend competition days to Sunday. Monthly medals will also be held on Sundays. If enough members are present on a Saturday, a mini comp may still go ahead.

www.ballangolfclub.comCheck it out!!

Check it out!!

It offers a shady tree lined course which is mostly flat with a couple of short steep hills, river crossings, and Santa Ana couch greens.

Here's the hard working team preparing new tee boxes for the upcoming course extension!!

Here's the hard working team preparing new tee boxes for the upcoming course extension!!


Ballan Golf Club Results week ending 27th May 2023.

Wednesday 24th May 2023 – Stableford, Men’s & Ladies Competition.

Winner Bob Arklay (11) 37 points on c/b from Barry Sims (12).

NTP’s: 12th David Richie (Howlong GC), 15th Barry Sims. Magpie 14th David Leach.

Saturday 27th May 2023 – Stroke – Fairbairn Cup Qualifying Round 1 & Jack Papworth Cup Final.

A. Grade: Winner on the day Chris Dunn 59-2-57. R/u Rick Roden 75-12-63 on c/b from Don Wickson.

B. Grade Winner Tom Paarhammer 75-17-58. R/u Bill Pickering 86-19-67 on c/b from Jimmy Walsh.

NTP’s: 12th Don Wickson, 15th Chris Dunn.

Magpies: 14th Chris Dunn, 18th Bob Arklay.

Ball Comp - 6 Balls c/off 65 on c/b: Chris Dunn, Tom Paarhammer, Rick Roden, Don Wickson, Anthony Moore, Barry Sims.

A very special mention goes to Chris Dunn - 59 strokes off the stick – one stroke over the club record. Amazing effort Chris!!!

Jack Papworth Cup Winners: Tom Paarhammer & Frank Raffaele 42 points defeating Kev Lockman & Les Martin 35 points.


Wednesday 17th May 2023 Stableford – Men’s & Ladies Competition.

Winner Don Wickson (12) 36 points. R/u Kev Lockman (14) 35 points.

Magpie 14th Frank Raffaele. NTP’s: 12th & 15th Bob Arklay.

Saturday 20th May 2023 - Stableford.

Winner Barry Sims (12) 33 points. R/u Bill Pickering (19) 31 points.

NTP 12th Jimmy Walsh.

Magpie 14th David Leach

Balls 4 Cut-off 30 points on c/b: Barry Sims, Bill Pickering, Hugh Miller, Jimmy Walsh.


We are pleased to announce that Ballan Golf Club now has Tap and Go for green fee players. Simply select the appropriate option on the machine at the front door and use your card/device to pay.


Here is the full 18 hole flyover of Ballan Golf Club.

This is a Hole by Hole flyover with a brief description of every hole


Ballan Golf Club Results w/e 6th May 2023.

The weather has certainly cooled down, making the playing conditions a little more challenging. Well done Andrew.

Wednesday 3rd May 2023 – Stableford – Men’s & Ladies.
Winner Don Wickson (16) 32 points on c/b from Bill Pickering (19).
Magpie 14th Barry Sims. NTP 15th Bob Arklay.

Saturday 6th May 2023 – Stroke – Monthly Medal.
Winner of Monthly Medal Andrew Carton 76-14-62. R/u Vic Buttigieg 104-38-66 on c/b from Rick Roden, Don Wickson, Anthony Moore & Chris Tudor.
NTP’s: 12th Aggy Germon, 15th Andrew Carton.
Magpies: 14th Anthony Moore, 18th Bob Arklay.
Balls 6, Cut-off 66 on c/b: Andrew Carton, Vic Buttigieg, Rick Roden, Don Wickson, Anthony Moore.


Ballan Golf Club Results w/e 29th April 2023.

Wednesday 26th April 2023 Stableford – Men’s & Ladies Competition.

Winner David Leach (12) 37 points. R/u Bob Arklay (9) 34 points.

Magpie 14th Frank Raffaele. NTP’s: 12th Jimmy Walsh, 15th Kev Lockman.

Saturday 29th April 2023 - 2 Person 4BBB Stableford.

Winners: Barry Sims & Glen Herring 41 points.

Second: Richard Jones & F. James 39 points.

NTP’s: 12th & 15th Chris Dunn.

Magpies: 14th Chris Dunn, 18th Rod Watts

Have you seen the course lately? It is looking great. Come down and play a round. Bring a guest!!!!


Ballan Golf Club Results w/e 22nd April 2023.

Wednesday 19th April 2023 – Stableford - Men’s & Ladies.

Winner Don Wickson (12) 36 points. R/u Bill Pickering (19) 35 points on c/b from Barry Sims (10).

NTP’s: 12th Hugh Miller, 15th Bob Arklay. Magpie 14th Chris Tudor.

Saturday 22nd April 2023, Stableford & Jack Papworth 4BBB Semi Finals.

A. Grade winner on the day Bob Arklay (9) 35 points on c/b from Don Wickson (12).

B. Grade winner Hugh Miller (15) 35 points. R/u Athol Love (22) 34 points on c/b from Denis Conroy (15).

NTP’s: 12th Bob Arklay, 15th Frank Raffaele.

Magpies: 14th Hugh Miller, 18th Frank Raffaele.

Ball Comp – 5 Balls c/off 34: Bob Arklay, Hugh Miller, Don Wickson, Athol Love, Denis Conroy.

Papworth Semi Final Results:

Frank Raffaele & Thomas Parrhammer 44 Points def Peter Clifford & Stuart Miller 40 points.

Kev Lockman & Les Martin 35 points def Greg McAloon & Vic Buttigieg 34 points.

Papworth Final to be played on 20 May 2023:

Frank Raffaele & Thomas Parrhammer verse Kev Lockman & Les Martin.

Recently Ballan Golf Club hosted Gordon Football Netball Club for a golf day and also a round of Pennant where we hosted...

Recently Ballan Golf Club hosted Gordon Football Netball Club for a golf day and also a round of Pennant where we hosted Buninyong. here is a collection of pictures from the events.


Happy Easter!

Ballan Golf Club Results w/e 8th April 2023.

Wednesday 5th April 2023 – Stableford – Men’s & Ladies.

Winner Don Wickson (12) 35 points on c/b from Chris Tudor (10).

NTP’s: 12th Barry Lenaghan, 15th Don Wickson. Magpie 14th Jimmy Walsh.

Saturday 8th April 2023 – Stableford, 3rd Round House Teams.

A. Grade Winner Frank Raffaele (7) 35 points. R/u Chris Dunn (2) 33 points on c/b from Chris Tudor (9).

B. Grade Winner on the day Peter Clifford (16) 38 points. R/u Peter Cox (16) 36 points.

NTP’s: 12th Frank Raffaele, 15th Chris Tudor.

Magpies: 14th Anthony Moore, 18th Rick Roden.

Balls 4, Cut-off 33 points on c/b: Peter Clifford, Chris Dunn, Peter Cox, Frank Raffaele.


Hi all. Last week's results. Apologies for the delay...

Wednesday 29th March 2023 – Stableford – Men’s & Ladies.

Winner Hugh Miller (16) 36 points. R/up Jimmy Walsh (16) 34 points on c/b from Les Martin (16).

Magpie 14th Chris Tudor. NTP’s: 12th Barry Lenaghan, 15th Jimmy Walsh.

Saturday 1st April 2023 – Stroke – Monthly Medal.

A. Grade: Winner of Monthly Medal Peter Clifford 79-16-63. R/u Damian Toohey 73-9-64 on c/b from Jason Bonar & Kev Lockman.

B. Grade: Winner Aggy Germon 82-18-64. R/u John Muhlhan 95-29-66 on c/b from Brian Cran.

NTP’s: 12th Anthony Moore, 15th Frank Raffaele.

Magpies: 14th Jason Bonar, 18th Damian Toohey.

Balls 4, Cut-off 64 on c/b: Peter Clifford, Damian Toohey, Jason Bonar & Kev Lockman.

Winner of the March Monthly Medal play-off is Brian Cran


This Saturday Monthly Medal will be a shotgun start commencing 9:30.
The reason is the launch of the strategic plan after golf.
The Club has been working in conjunction with Golf Australia who will give an overview of works to date.
Can you pass these times onto your golf colleagues that are going to play Saturday!!!


Wednesday 22nd March 2023 – Stableford

Winner Chris Tudor (10) 38 points. R/u Don Wickson (12) 37 points.

Magpie14th Chris Tudor. NTP’s: 12th Barry Sims, 15th Jimmy Walsh.

Saturday 25th March 2023, Stroke - Final Round Club Championships.

Daily Event:

A. Grade: Winner Jason Bonar 75-12-63 on c/b from Frank Raffaele 70-7-63.

B. Grade: Winner on the day Barry Lenaghan 83-21-62. R/u Bill Pickering 81-18-63 on c/b from Tony Ryan 80-17-63.

NTP’s: 12th Jason Bonar, 15th Tony Ryan.

Magpies: 14th & 18th Chris Dunn.

Championship Final Results:

Stroke: 2023 Club Champion Chris Dunn 261.

A. Grade: Winner Chris Dunn 261.

B. Grade Winner Don Wickson 317.

C. Grade Winner Barry Lenaghan 347.

Nett: Tom Bond Trophy Bill Pickering 255.

A. Grade: Winner Frank Raffaele 256.

B. Grade Winner Bill Pickering 255.

C. Grade Winner Barry Lenaghan 267.

A big Congratulations to Chris Dunn. Club Champion!!!


Ballan Golf Club Results w/e 18th March 2023.

Now a very special mention to Chris Tudor... An eagle on 9. Great effort!!!

Wednesday 15th March 2023 – Stableford – Men’s & Ladies Competition.

Winner Kev Lockman (16) 42 points. R/u Chris Tudor (10) 41 points.

Magpie 14th Chris Tudor. NTP’s 12th Hugh Miller, 15th Jimmy Walsh.

Saturday 18th March 2023, Stroke – 3rd Round Club Championships.

A. Grade: Winner Frank Raffaele 69-8-61, R/u Barry Sims 76-11-65 on c/b from Bob Arklay 75-10-65.

B. Grade: Winner on the day Tom Paarhammer 75-18-57. R/u John Ryan 99-38-61.

NTP’s: 12th Frank Raffaele, 15th Les Martin.

Magpies: 14th Aggy Germon, 18th Damian Toohey.

Eagle on the 9th Chris Tudor.

Balls 5, Cut-off 63: Tom Paarhammer, Aggy Germon, John Ryan, Frank Raffaele, Vic Buttigieg.

Current Stroke Leaders of Championship: A Grade – Chris Dunn 196, B Grade – Don Wickson 233, C Grade – Robert Brown 255.

Current Net Leaders of Championship: A Grade – Chris Dunn 193, B Grade – Peter Clifford 126 & Aggy Germon, C Grade – Athol Love 189.

Championship finals, next week, on 25th March 2023:

A. Grade: Chris Dunn, Anthony Moore, Frank Raffaele & Bob Arklay to tee-off @ 11.30 am.

B. Grade: Don Wickson, Peter Clifford, Aggy Germon & Bill Pickering to tee-off @ 11.15 am.

C. Grade: Rob Brown, Athol Love, Barry Lenaghan & Greg McAloon to tee-off @ 11.00 am.

Papworth Semi-Final: Frank Raffaele & Tom Paarhammer 44 points defeated Peter Clifford & Stuart Miller 40 points,


Here are our results for the week.

Wednesday 8th March 2023 – Stableford – Men’s & Ladies Competition.

Winner Chris Tudor (11) 41 points. R/u John Costello (19) 38 points.

Magpie 14th Don Wickson. NTP’s 12th Chris Tudor, 15th Bill Pickering.

Looks like it was a great day for high scores...

Saturday 11th March 2023, Stroke – 2nd Round Club Championships.

A. Grade: Winner Chris Dunn 62-1-61, R/u Damian Toohey 71-9-62 on c/b from Anthony Moore.

B. Grade: Winner on the day Stuart Miller 76-24-52. R/u Athol Love 82-23-59.

NTP’s: 12th Athol Love, 15th Andrew Carton.

Magpies: 14th Danny Halstead, 18th Anthony Moore.

Balls 5, Cut-off 62 on c/b: Stuart Miller, Aggy Germon, Rob Brown, Andrew Carton, Athol Love.

Well done to Chris Dunn, level off the stick... time to give the record a nudge?

Current Stroke Leaders of Championship: A Grade – Chris Dunn 128, B Grade – Don Wickson 152, C Grade – Athol Love 168.

Current Net Leaders of Championship: A Grade – Anthony Moore 124, B Grade – Peter Clifford & Don Wickson 126, C Grade – Athol Love 122


News just to hand......

Andrew Carton just missed a hole in one on the second at Ballan on Saturday just gone, with the ball finishing barely 100mm past the hole. Well done Andrew. I'm assuming you sunk the birdie putt...

Almost got your name on the honour boards!!!!


Results for the weekend, apologies for the delay but I'm enjoying some kiwi sunshine...

Saturday 4th March 2023, Stroke – 1st Round Club Championships & March 2023 Monthly Medal.

A. Grade: Winner Anthony Moore 67-5-62, R/u Bob Arklay 74-9-65 on c/b from Jason Bonar & Chris Dunn.

B. Grade: Winner Bill Pickering 80-18-62. R/u Don Wickson 76-13-63 on c/b from Peter Clifford.

C. Grade: Winner Brian Cran 88-26-62. R/u Athol Love 86-23-63.

NTP’s: 12th Don Wickson, 15th Chris Dunn.

Magpies: 14th Bob Arklay & David Leach, 18th Jason Bonar.

We have a Three-way tie for March 2023 Monthly Medal: Anthony Moore, Bill Pickering & Brian Cran.

The March winner is to be decided by results from April 2023 Monthly Medal.
Good luck Gentlemen!!!

Current Stroke Leaders of Championship: A Grade – Chris Dunn 66, B Grade – Don Wickson 76, C Grade – Athol Love 86.

Current Net Leaders of Championship: A Grade – Anthony Moore 62, B Grade – Bill Pickering 62, C Grade – Brian Cran 62.

One of our members, Pete, enjoying a few holes this evening to bring in the new season.

One of our members, Pete, enjoying a few holes this evening to bring in the new season.


4 Blow Court



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