Hi Everyone! Hope this finds you well on this first Sunday of August and you had a good week. We had one of those fast moving thunderstorms stop by yesterday - phone alerts, local weather person broke into Olympic coverage, etc. We had high winds and rain, but I did not notice any lightening although my phone showed it all around us.
It was a slow week for me as it was too hot to do much. I did do a little (very) weeding as I noticed a bunch spread out over the rocks in the back and side of the house. Most were easy to pull, but there were a few stubborn ones. I have to admire the weeds as they are determined and strong to grow through the barrier/tarp on the ground and up through the rocks. I often wonder how the grass dries out in the heat and turns to straw and yet the weeds keep growing.
I must say I have never watched so much Olympic coverage as I have in the past week. I guess not working has some advantages. I watched sports that I do not have much interest in, but I'm learning quite a bit. It's the stories about the athletes and behind the scenes that I find most fascinating. I know why professional athletes are allowed to compete, but it still turns me off a bit. Some of the commenters are interesting as well.
We did finish up our electrical work with new outside lights. Our outside garage lights have not worked properly in a few years - the sensors gave out. We got our money out of them as they had to be at least 20 years old. We also passed our electrical inspection of the major work we had done. I have to say it was so good to see a female electrician. She is young and agile and has been doing the work for about 8 years. I told her it was so good to see a female in the trades and she said her company just hired it's third female electrician. This made me so happy as the trades were off limits to women in my youth.
I visited a friend in his new home in memory care. It's quite a bit different than the facility where my mom resided (private care vice public care). I was my watchful self as we walked around and explored a little. There seemed to be quite a few staff which I was glad to see. I was a bit triggered at first as my mind flashed back to my mom, but I just kept going. I met and talked with a few of the residents as a smile and a kind word is many times what they need. They have a very full activity schedule which I think is great, a lovely dining room, a couple of entertainment areas and a beautiful garden area. It was too hot to venture outside during this visit.
This past week I finished reading: "THE #1 LAWYER" - by James Patterson and Nancy Allen - a lawyer becomes a murder suspect. "ERUPTION" by Michael Crichton and James Patterson - WOW what a read! "CONFESSIONS OF THE DEAD" by James Patterson and J. D. Barker - Divine judgement. As you can tell I was on a James Patterson kick this past week as I realized I am about 8 books behind. Thank goodness his books are good, but they are quick reads. A few more to finish this week.
The daily and wacky holidays for the week...provides something lighthearted to think about (there are always more things about each day that are not listed here, but it's so interesting to google "whats important about ...) :
August 4
Friendship Day – the first Sunday in August
International Forgiveness Day – the first Sunday in August
National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
National Water Balloon Day
Sisters Day – the first Sunday in August
U.S. Coast Guard Day
August 5
National Oyster Day
Underwear Day
Work Like a Dog Day
August 6
National Fresh Breath Day
National Root Beer Float Day
Wiggle Your Toes Day
August 7
National Lighthouse Day
National Purple Heart Day
Professional Speakers Day
August 8
Happiness Happens Day
International Cat Day
Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day – now that’s nasty!
August 9
Book Lover’s Day
National Kool-Aid Day – the second Friday in August
Smokey Bear Day
August 10
Chinese Valentine’s Day/Daughter’s Day – 7th day of 7th Lunar Month
Lazy Day
Middle Child’s Day – the second Saturday in August
National Garage Sale Day – the second Saturday in August
National S’mores Day
World Lion Day
I am going to leave it here for today. Happy Friendship Day! There is nothing in the world like friends whether they've been in your life forever or a short time. I hear the neighborhood coming to life as trucks and cars get started. I hope you have a good week. Take care. Chat soon. Marie
"Remember to be gentle with yourself and others. We are all children of chance, and none can say while some fields will blossom and others lay brown beneath the August sun." - – Kent Nerburn
"Your happiness is not a group project. It doesn’t have to make sense to others." - Our Mindful Life
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