Beacon Coaching, LLC

Beacon Coaching, LLC Coaching is a dynamic process that requires trust to form a partnership in the journey of exploration. Let’s explore the benefits of coaching together.

Marie Nagle of Beacon Coaching is here to help you find your way. A coach is a trusted, specially trained professional who assists another with the journey of life. As your life coach, she is committed to helping you achieve the fulfillment and success you seek – and deserve. Coaching is for living. It is applicable to any area of life experience:



As your coach, Marie will work with you to uncover what is really important to you, to determine what you want to accomplish or change. She will help you examine and shift your observations of yourself and how you want to live your life. Marie will provide tools to help you explore and evaluate your options and actions.



Hi Everyone! Hope this finds you well on this first Sunday of August and you had a good week. We had one of those fast moving thunderstorms stop by yesterday - phone alerts, local weather person broke into Olympic coverage, etc. We had high winds and rain, but I did not notice any lightening although my phone showed it all around us.

It was a slow week for me as it was too hot to do much. I did do a little (very) weeding as I noticed a bunch spread out over the rocks in the back and side of the house. Most were easy to pull, but there were a few stubborn ones. I have to admire the weeds as they are determined and strong to grow through the barrier/tarp on the ground and up through the rocks. I often wonder how the grass dries out in the heat and turns to straw and yet the weeds keep growing.

I must say I have never watched so much Olympic coverage as I have in the past week. I guess not working has some advantages. I watched sports that I do not have much interest in, but I'm learning quite a bit. It's the stories about the athletes and behind the scenes that I find most fascinating. I know why professional athletes are allowed to compete, but it still turns me off a bit. Some of the commenters are interesting as well.

We did finish up our electrical work with new outside lights. Our outside garage lights have not worked properly in a few years - the sensors gave out. We got our money out of them as they had to be at least 20 years old. We also passed our electrical inspection of the major work we had done. I have to say it was so good to see a female electrician. She is young and agile and has been doing the work for about 8 years. I told her it was so good to see a female in the trades and she said her company just hired it's third female electrician. This made me so happy as the trades were off limits to women in my youth.

I visited a friend in his new home in memory care. It's quite a bit different than the facility where my mom resided (private care vice public care). I was my watchful self as we walked around and explored a little. There seemed to be quite a few staff which I was glad to see. I was a bit triggered at first as my mind flashed back to my mom, but I just kept going. I met and talked with a few of the residents as a smile and a kind word is many times what they need. They have a very full activity schedule which I think is great, a lovely dining room, a couple of entertainment areas and a beautiful garden area. It was too hot to venture outside during this visit.

This past week I finished reading: "THE #1 LAWYER" - by James Patterson and Nancy Allen - a lawyer becomes a murder suspect. "ERUPTION" by Michael Crichton and James Patterson - WOW what a read! "CONFESSIONS OF THE DEAD" by James Patterson and J. D. Barker - Divine judgement. As you can tell I was on a James Patterson kick this past week as I realized I am about 8 books behind. Thank goodness his books are good, but they are quick reads. A few more to finish this week.

The daily and wacky holidays for the week...provides something lighthearted to think about (there are always more things about each day that are not listed here, but it's so interesting to google "whats important about ...) :

August 4
Friendship Day – the first Sunday in August
International Forgiveness Day – the first Sunday in August
National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
National Water Balloon Day
Sisters Day – the first Sunday in August
U.S. Coast Guard Day

August 5
National Oyster Day
Underwear Day
Work Like a Dog Day

August 6
National Fresh Breath Day
National Root Beer Float Day
Wiggle Your Toes Day

August 7
National Lighthouse Day
National Purple Heart Day
Professional Speakers Day

August 8
Happiness Happens Day
International Cat Day
Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day – now that’s nasty!

August 9
Book Lover’s Day
National Kool-Aid Day – the second Friday in August
Smokey Bear Day

August 10
Chinese Valentine’s Day/Daughter’s Day – 7th day of 7th Lunar Month
Lazy Day
Middle Child’s Day – the second Saturday in August
National Garage Sale Day – the second Saturday in August
National S’mores Day
World Lion Day

I am going to leave it here for today. Happy Friendship Day! There is nothing in the world like friends whether they've been in your life forever or a short time. I hear the neighborhood coming to life as trucks and cars get started. I hope you have a good week. Take care. Chat soon. Marie

"Remember to be gentle with yourself and others. We are all children of chance, and none can say while some fields will blossom and others lay brown beneath the August sun." - – Kent Nerburn

"Your happiness is not a group project. It doesn’t have to make sense to others." - Our Mindful Life

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Hi Everyone! Hope this finds you well on this last Sunday of July and you had a good week. We had a little bit of rain and a brief break in the heat over the past week. It was a welcome break and I think I heard the lawn sigh in appreciation.

My week was busy socially as I was out and about a bit more than I expected. I spent a nice afternoon with a long time friend at the beginning of the week. She called me unexpectedly and we spent a nice couple of hours solving the worlds problems...LOL!

My sister and niece visited for a few days. We were out and about at some point every day for a bit of shopping, dining, exploring and talking. We went to one or two of our normal places and tried a few different. I took them to Great Falls Park for the first time (not sure why we have not gone together previously in the 40 plus years I've lived here, but we made it). It was busy as expected, but nice. We walked a little on the easy trails and watched the Potomac River flow. I sat after a bit at a picnic table and let them walk to other observation areas. This will definitely be on the list for return visits. We shared stories and memories and laughed quite a bit. They left in the wee hours Saturday morning. I must have been worn out from the activities of the week as I took two naps yesterday.

I am not a fervent Olympic watcher, but did catch most of the opening ceremony. I felt horrible that it rained over the events with everything being outdoors. They were different and more artistic than I've seen before. Of course, I loved Celine Dion's performance. I just hope it was not too taxing on her body for all she is going through. I'll watch the events off and on over the next couple of weeks.

This past week I finished reading: "THE SISTERHOOD - THE SECRET HISTORY OF WOMEN AT THE CIA" by Liza Mundy. Excellent read. Some names and stories I knew and some I did not. "THE 24th HOUR - WOMEN'S MURDER CLUB NOVEL" by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro. Crime Drama always good.

The daily and wacky holidays for the week...provides something lighthearted to think about (there are always more things about each day that are not listed here, but it's so interesting to google "whats important about ...) :

July 28
Buffalo Soldiers Day
National Milk Chocolate Day
National Waterpark Day
Parent’s Day – the fourth Sunday in July

July 29
International Tiger Day
Lasagna Day
National Chicken Wing Day
National Lipstick Day

July 30
Father-in-Law Day
International Day of Friendship
National Cheesecake Day
Paperback Book Day

July 31
Mutt’s Day
National Avocado Day
National Watermelon Day

August Monthly Celebrations

Admit You’re Happy Month
Family Fun Month
Dog Days of Summer – July 3 – August 11
Golf Month
Happiness Happens Month
International Pirate Month
National Catfish Month
National Eye Exam Month
Peach Month
Picnic Month
Romance Awareness Month
Water Quality Month

August Weekly Events

International Clown Week – always August 1-7
Week 1 National Simplify your Life Week
Second Week National Smile Week
Week 3 Friendship Week
Week 4 Be Kind to Humankind Week

August 1
Mountain Climbing Day
National Girlfriends Day
National Pinball Day
Mahjong Day
Raspberry Cream Pie Day

August 2
Find a Four Leaf Clover Day
International Beer Day – the first Friday in August
National Coloring Book Day
National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

August 3
Campfire Day – the first Saturday in August
Disc Golf Day – the first Saturday in August
Grab Some Nuts Day
International Hangover Day – the day after International Beer Day
Mustard Day – the first Saturday
National Clown Day – Saturday during International Clown Week
National Watermelon Day
Sandcastle Day – the first Saturday of the Month

I am leaving it here for today. I hope you have a good week and get to enjoy a bit of summer. Take care. Chat soon. Marie

"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom" - Marcel Proust

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Hi Everyone! Hope this finds you well and you had a good week. I do hope you are enjoying a bit of summer and creating memories with family and/or friends. Did you receive lots of deliveries from Prime Days? I stocked up on a few basics, but did not go crazy.

I know this might sound weird, but I was thinking about hair (specifically mine) and phases in life. I know hair is very important for many people and it does help identify a person. Although we try not to judge people's appearances (book my it's cover) we try to find something memorable or recognizable about someone else. I guess in my own way I cared about my hair as I made it sure it was clean and styled through the years. I tried a few different styles and a few different colors along the way, but I don't think I was overly concerned about hair. For some reason this past week I was thinking about how women, especially, will sometimes drastically change their hair around significant changes. Some consider the change a way to mark a new phase in life. I was a natural redhead for many years and always heard how my color was unique and how people tried to obtain my color but could not. My red hair took me from infancy to adulthood with different styles in-between. As an adult my hair turned white over the period of ten years with different colors thrown in once in a while and a few style changes. I mainly kept it short as it was easier to take care of and if I wanted a change of color it did not last too long. Once it was white it was bright and pretty luminous and was commented on by many. I could be spotted in a crowd and that's how many people recognized me. I was always asked if it was my natural color as some wanted to copy it. I always said I earned every one of my white hairs. In this phase of life I don't care about hair at all and my head is shaved about every six weeks. Now I'm known and spotted by my hats. They are not glamorous, but more functional. At this stage of life I'm glad its my hats that identify me and not something else.

I was more social than I thought I would be this past week as I was out and about a little bit almost every day. I had a wonderful dinner with some friends and enjoyed catching up with them. I had a wonderful lunch with some long time friends. We have not gotten together in a few months so it was great to sit outside in the shade at a nice place and relax as we caught up. I went to a Celebration of Life yesterday for the mother of a long time friend (former roommate). Three of the 14 adult grandchildren spoke and told funny memories and lessons learned from their grandma. I saw many people I have not seen in over 20 years and met a few more.

We had a bit of electrical work done inside and outside the house. As the house is 50 years old, some updates/upgrades were needed. The electricity was turned off for several hours on the hottest day of the year, but we were prepared. The house actually stayed comfortable until almost three o'clock and luckily they were finishing up.

This past week, I finished reading: "IN TRUE FACE" by Jonna Mendez with Wyndham Wood. A woman's memoir of life in the CIA. Very well written and a good read. "A DISAPPEARANCE IN FIJI" by Nilima Rao - a 1914 murder mystery involving colonialism and the caste system. A good read with interesting history. "GETAWAY" by Zoj Stage - a psychological thriller involving long time friends. Fast paced. "THE HOUSE OF HIDDEN MESSAGES - A MEMOIR" by Ru Paul - shaping the person he became. Well written.

The daily and wacky holidays for the week...provides something lighthearted to think about (there are always more things about each day that are not listed here, but it's so interesting to google "whats important about ...) :

July 21
Be Someone Day
National Ice Cream Day – the third Sunday of the month
National Junk Food Day

July 22
Hammock Day
Ratcatcher’s Day

July 23
Picnic Table Day
Vanilla Ice Cream Day

July 24
Amelia Earhart Day
Cousins Day
National Drive-Thru Day
National Tequila Day
Tell an Old Joke Day

July 25
Culinarians Day
National Carousel Day
National Chili Dog Day
Threading the Needle Day

July 26
All or Nothing Day
Aunt and Uncle Day
Summer Olympics 2024 – Let the games begin!
System Administrator Appreciation Day – the last Friday in July
World Tofu Day

July 27
National Day of the Cowboy – the fourth Saturday in July
National Love is Kind Day
Take Your Houseplants for a Walk
Take Your Pants for a Walk Day
Walk on Stilts Day

I'm going to leave it here for today, I went on a bit longer than I thought I would. Time to get the day started as it's light out. I hope you have a good week where you are - enjoy some ice cream! Take care. Chat soon. Marie

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”― Martin Luther King, Jr.Apr 15, 2024

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Hi Everyone! Hope this finds you well and you had a good week. We have definitely had the summer heat here which makes me not want to do much. We did finally have a little bit of rain - I think I heard the grass sigh.

Overall, I had a good week. I was not as social as the previous week, but took care of a few appointments and ran a couple of errands. I had a nice relaxing massage and continued acupuncture treatments.

What a difference a year makes - last summer I was cold all the time. I'm not even sure I wore capris or shorts as my body temperature was so off. This year I'm feeling the heat a bit more. I'm hoping this means my body temperature and hormones are back on the right track. Of course the humidity has played havoc on my ankles or should I say cankles. I've had issues with my ankles for years from all the sprains, but now with the joint issues they are not pretty. I wish I liked keeping my feet elevated, but I don't. I started wearing compression ankle socks and they are ok.

I met with my oncologist on Friday. She was extremely happy with my progress and is hoping my melanoma was a one and done sort of thing. She reminded me that it's been 18 months since my surgery and my scans are excellent. We talked about the joints problems and the medication I'm taking as recommended by the rheumatologist. She indicated the Petscan lit up with all the inflammation in my joints which she believes was caused by the treatment. I don't see her again until December and she's hoping my joints are even better by then.

This past week I finished reading: "A GOOD DAY FOR CHARDONNAY" by Darynda Jones - a female sheriff in a small town with lots happening. Easy Reading. "A DISH TO DIE FOR" by Lucy Burdette - it's part of A Key West Critic Mystery Series. I may have to read the other books in the series. Easy Reading. "THE GREAT DIVIDE" by Cristina Henriquez (A Read With Jenna Selection) - the building of the Panama Canal and some of the people impacted. Well written, good book.

The daily and wacky holidays for the week...provides something lighthearted to think about (there are always more things about each day that are not listed here, but it's so interesting to google "whats important about ...) :

July 14
Barn Day
Bastille Day
Pandemonium Day
National Macaroni and Cheese Day
National N**e Day
Shark Awareness Day

July 15
Be a Dork Day
Cow Appreciation Day– Go out and give a cow a hug.
Gummi Worm Day
National Give Something Away Day
Tapioca Pudding Day

July 16
Fresh Spinach Day
World Snake Day

July 17
National Hot Dog Day – the third Wednesday in July
Peach Ice Cream Day
World Emoji Day
Yellow Pig Day

July 18
National Caviar Day– something’s fishy here
World Listening Day

July 19
National Daiquiri Day
National Raspberry Cake Day

July 20
Ice Cream Soda Day
National Lollipop Day
Moon Day
Space Exploration Day
Ugly Truck Day – It’s a guy thing.
Women’s Dive Day – the third Saturday in July

I'm leaving it here for today. Time to get the day started. I hope you have a good week. Take care. Chat soon. Marie


"There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart." -—Celia Thaxter

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Hi Everyone! Hope you are well and you had a good week. It has definitely been summer here with temps at 100 plus and oppressive humidity. I have been hunkered down much of the week as I limit being outside as much as possible. I'm glad I like to read or play computer games to pass the time.

I had a good week overall. I watched fireworks on TV and heard them throughout the neighborhood. They will continue in the neighborhood I'm sure for another week or two until the kiosks disappear. I'm not a huge fan of fireworks unless done by a professional.

Believe it or not I am using the CPAP machine nightly. I can't say I feel more rested, if anything I feel my sleep is lighter most nights. I have not been tangled up in the hose or anything so that's a big accomplishment. The app says I'm doing great with barely any incidents so what do I know. I'll keep at it for now.

Most of socializing was saved until Friday and Saturday when I left home mid morning and returned late afternoon. I had lunch on Friday with a wonderful friend. I have not seen her in a while except via FB. We went to a brewery and sat inside as it was too hot and humid outside. I had a view of the countryside and it was hazy. The food served was very good and we were able to catch up. I had not realized until she posted later that it was a year to the day of our last get together. We will need to fix that in the coming year.

Saturday I visited with my former client. I brought her flowers and her favorite cookies. Before she even sat down she was nibbling a cookie which made me laugh. I had left flowers at her neighbors' door to let her know I was in the building. Her neighbor is one of my former bosses and knew when she saw the flowers exactly where I was and came over with her dog. We had a bit of a gabfest.

I then visited with a friend recovering in rehab. It was good to see him up and about so to speak as he heals. We listened to music and sang along. I then went for a late lunch with his wife as we've been friends forever as well. We went to a local Italian cafe that I had not visited in a while and it was her first time there. The cafe is family owned with only a few tables. It is in an old house and a couple of the rooms have groceries and pre-made meals with a deli. In many ways reminds me of a NYC deli only on a smaller scale with a limited menu. I did not realize until I chatted with the owner, they opened one year ago yesterday.

This past week I read: "THE WOMEN" by Kristin Hannah - a young female nurse serving in Vietnam and the trauma she experienced. I shed a few tears. Very good. "THE VIEW FROM ALAMEDA ISLAND" by Robyn Carr - love, abuse, and a woman finding strength. Very good. "THE LAST TRAIN TO KEY WEST" by Chanel Cleetan - Three women's lives intersect in 1935. Very good. "S*X, LIES, & SENSIBILITY" - Nikki Payne - Two sisters fighting for their inheritance. Decent story, a little explicit in some places. Most of these were quick and easy reads. I also watched: "What Happens Later" (2023) - romantic comedy set in an airport. "DISCO: Soundtrack of a Revolution? - a three part PBS documentary.

The daily and wacky holidays for the week...provides something lighthearted to think about (there are always more things about each day that are not listed here, but it's so interesting to google "whats important about ...) :

July 7
Build A Scarecrow Day – the first Sunday in July
Chocolate Day
Global Forgiveness Day, also called “World” or “National”
Father-Daughter Take a Walk Together Day
National Strawberry Sundae Day

July 8
Body Painting Day
National Blueberry Day
Video Games Day

July 9
National Dimples Day
National Sugar Cookie Day

July 10
Pick Blueberries Day
Pina Colada Day
Teddy Bear Picnic Day

July 11
Cheer up the Lonely Day
Make Your Own Sundae Day
National Blueberry Muffins Day
World Population Day

July 12
Different Colored Eyes Day
National Motorcycle Day – the second Friday in July
Pecan Pie Day
World Kebab Day – the second Friday of the month

July 13
Barbershop Music Appreciation Day
Embrace Your Geekness Day
Fool’s Paradise Day
National French Fries Day
National Nitrogen Ice Cream Day
Oxymoron Day

I will leave it here for today. Time to get the day moving. I hope you have a good week. Take care. Chat soon. Marie

“It’s your outlook on life that counts. If you take yourself lightly and don’t take yourself too seriously, pretty soon you can find the humor in our everyday lives. And sometimes it can be a lifesaver.” – Betty White

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time."
― John Lubbock

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Hi Everyone! Hope this finds you well and you had a good week. Hard to believe it's the last day of June and the year is half over. I hear the rumbles of thunder so perhaps a storm will come close.

I'll start with the best news of the week - my Petscan was clean and shows no signs of cancer. I always get a bit stressed around test time and then waiting for results. I was a bit nervous as usually I either hear from the Drs' office or see the results online within hours and this time nothing. My blood sugar test was posted but nothing else (all good by the way). My imagination went down the worst case scenario road as I waited. Finally, very late Friday afternoon I got the call from the nurse and she made my day. My Dr was on vacation so I had to wait for another Dr to read the results which is why it took longer...phew. Thank goodness the results came before the weekend.

Overall, the other parts of my week were good. I have been on my own as my BFF is away so I made an effort to eat much of the leftovers from last week. Have not made much of a dent in the freezer, but the fridge is pretty clean. Thank goodness I don't mind leftovers for quick and easy.

I had a wonderful dinner with my friends at our usual restaurant. I missed the last get together so it was so wonderful to connect. It's always so good to get together, share stories and laugh.

I also had dinner with longtime friends the next evening (different restaurant...LOL). We had a lovely dinner sitting outside under shade.

I started acupuncture and had two sessions. Lovely staff and office space. I felt cared for as I went through the process. I will be going twice a week for two months. I know some people do not believe in acupuncture, but as I've had it previously, I know it can help with inflammation and movement.

My CPAP machine arrived and I did not open the box until last night. I guess I was putting off the inevitable. I wore it to bed last night, but I'm not sure it worked (think user error). At least I wore the mask and saw that I could sleep with it on. Life is a learning experience and this process is one for least for now.

This past week I finished reading: "WINTER GARDEN" by Kristen Hannah - how the past shapes the present in dealing with family, tragedy and love. Very good book. "WE MUST NOT THINK OF OURSELVES" by "LAUREN GRODSTEIN (A Read With Jenna Selection) - a novel set in the Warsaw Ghetto during WWII. Very good book. "FIRST LIE WINS" by Ashley Elston (A Reeses Book Club Selection) - it's fast-paced suspense. Very good fast read. I watched: "American Fiction" (2023) - confronts our culture's obsession with reducing people to outrageous stereotypes. "Ticket to Paradise (2022) - romantic comedy. "The 355" (2022) - a kick ass female espionage movie. 3 different types of movies all good for an afternoon.

The daily and wacky holidays for the week...provides something lighthearted to think about (there are always more things about each day that are not listed here, but it's so interesting to google "whats important about ...) :

June 30
Log Cabin Day – The last Sunday in June.
Meteor Day
Social Media Day

July Holidays 2024 - Monthly Celebrations

Cell Phone Courtesy Month
Dog Days of Summer – July 3 – August 11
National Blueberry Month
National Anti-Boredom Month
Unlucky Month for weddings
National Cell Phone Courtesy Month
National Grilling Month
National Hot Dog Month
National Ice Cream Month
National Park and Recreation Month
National Picnic Month
National Watermelon Month

July Weekly Events

Week 2 – N**e Recreation Week
Week 3 – Capture the Sunset Week Third full week in July

July 1
Canada Day / Dominion Day – observed the following day, if July 1 falls on a Sunday
Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day
International Chicken Wing Day
International Joke Day – And, we’re not kidding.
National Postal Worker Day

July 2
I Forgot Day
World UFO Day

July 3
Compliment Your Mirror Day
Disobedience Day
Eat Beans Day – They’re good for the heart.
Stay out of the Sun Day

July 4
Independence Day (U.S.) – Happy Birthday, America!!
National Country Music Day
Sidewalk Egg Frying Day– Hmmmm, I wonder why!?!

July 5
National Apple Turnover Day
International Bikini Day
Work-a-holics Day – even though just about everyone is on the 4th of July holiday

July 6
International Cherry Pit Spitting Day – the first Saturday of the month
International Kissing Day
National Fried Chicken Day

I'm going to leave it here for today. It's still early and still dark so I think I will lay down again before the storm gets closer. Hope you have a good week where you are. Take care. Chat soon. Marie


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Hi Everyone! Hope this finds you well and you had a good week. Did you enjoy the summer solstice and the beautiful Strawberry Moon? I saw wonderful pictures online. It's the first time they've happened at the same time in several years. I read on the Moon Omens website that the solstice represents significant energy shifts that bring renewal and energy into our lives.

I had a busier week than I originally thought I might and was social to boot. We have friends visiting from out of town so I did some extra cooking to prep a few meals. I have not noticed our fridge and freezer this full in a while.

I visited a friend in the hospital this past week. It was a lot of walking that day as I roamed most of the hospital locating my friend. Thank goodness the majority of the walking was inside. I did find it interesting that I was able to walk around so much and I was never stopped. I approached nurses stations vice anyone noticing me wandering. I then had a wonderful dinner out with another friend.

I met with an acupuncturist and will start working with her this coming week. I asked my rheumatologist what he thought and he was not thrilled. Some doctors just don't like the idea of alternative healing methods. Since I've had acupuncture in the past I know what to expect and will at least give it a try.

As I was cleaning and organizing (still in the process) I came across lots of blank journals. I used to give them to my coaching clients so I had purchased many over the years. It got me to people (especially younger people) even write in journals any longer? I used to write in journals when I was upset or down in the dumps. I would write out how I felt and sometimes stories. I found the process of writing it all out somewhat helpful in getting through a situation. Of course for the past many years I have written a weekly blog. The blog started a a way to keep in touch, but over the years became so much more. I will give many of the blank journals away as I continue to clean out, but the item did get me thinking.

I found out late in the week that I have moderate sleep apnea - which totally surprised me. I always thought I slept like the dead and no one every mentioned I snored regularly. I've been sent a referral for a CPAP machine, but I just don't know if I want to go down that road. I sleep on my side and can not stand anything near my ears or strapped to my head. It took a while for me to get used to a hat and there are days when even that is hard. Oh well, I'll read everything again before I make any decisions. This week also brought me giving myself (without supervision) my methotrexate injection. It took a little longer than expected to get everything ready and I only stabbed my finger once.

This past week I finished reading the following: "ONE SUMMER" by David Baldacci - family drama, heartbreak and healing. I cried several times reading this one. "RECIPE FOR LIFE" by Natalie Ramos and Tiana Ramos - story of women who overcame trauma to become a successful entrepreneur. "NIGHT ROAD" by Kristin Hannah - Family, tragedy, strength and courage. I cried a few time reading this book. "MAYFLOWER MURDER" by Paul Kemprocos - murder mystery which surrounds itself in history of Native Americans and the Pilgrims. It intertwines history with a modern day mystery.

The daily and wacky holidays for the week...provides something lighthearted to think about (there are always more things about each day that are not listed here, but it's so interesting to google "whats important about ...) :

June 23
International Widows Day
Let It Go Day
National Pink Day

June 24
Celebration of the Senses Day
International Fairy (or Faery) Day
National Pralines Day
Swim a Lap Day

June 25
Global Beatles Day
National Catfish Day
National Columnists Day – the fourth Tuesday in June

June 26
Beautician’s Day
Forgiveness Day
National Canoe Day

June 27
National Handshake Day – the last Thursday in June
National Onion Day
Sun Glasses Day

June 28
Insurance Awareness Day – Now who do you think invented that!?!
International Body Piercing Day
National Food Truck Day – the fourth Friday in June
Paul Bunyan Day

June 29
Camera Day
Hug Holiday
International Mud Day
Waffle Iron Day

I'm going to leave it here for today. I woke up at 3:30 and was restless so decided to get up and write the blog. Now since it's still dark out perhaps I'll grab a nap before daylight. Have a good week. Take care. Chat soon. Marie



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