I am the Founder of Awaken Love, a medium, empath, spiritual life coach, Facilitator for The Healing Cooperative, Facilitator for Life Force Academy, Founder of the Endometriosis Support Group, award-winning photographer, and dance teacher! I share my experiences as a medium, post positive quotes, positive thoughts, and I help others understand their spiritual gifts. If you are interested in an en
ergetic reading, mediumship reading, past life reading, womb reading, or oracle card reading, please check out my website! http://katrinakost.wixsite.com/awakenlove
Here are a few testimonials from my dear clients...
"Katrina has been such an amazingly, positive presence in my life. Her kindness and supportive nature knows no bounds. Katrina helped me to understand that this life and this Universe is much more complicated yet simple than I ever had imagined. I had always felt that there was more to this world than what meets the eye and Katrina's gift of Clairvoyance and telepathy with higher beings taught me that there is a beautiful plane of existence way beyond our own physical bodies. Katrina has helped me with emotional struggles by encouraging, supporting and providing spiritual guidance.I am blessed to call this wonderful, kind and courageous woman my friend!"
~Katie Shiring
"Katrina warmed my heart when she quickly connected with the spirit of my uncle, who suffered a lot before he died. Her message reassured me that he was much happier now and her message reminded me about how much our deceased relatives love us. Katrina's mediumship reading was a precious gift."
~R.P. Burke, VA
"Katrina is such a kind soul and great friend who has helped me very much over the past several months. Let me share my story with you.. I have always had dreams about certain scenarios that would actually occur within days of the dream. Most felt like dejavu but a stronger feeling that I had seen it happen before. Some were dreams about terrible things that I knew were going to happen. (a friend's husband dying, a neighbor finding out he has cancer) I didn't know what the heck was going on and why I was dreaming these dreams. My big awakening point (even though I didn't realize it was an awakening point until I started talking with Katrina) was right after my second daughter was born by c-section in January 2013. It is as though my body had to go through something traumatic to awake my gifts. I had horrible horrible postpartum anxiety/panic attacks for no apparent reason. I felt like I was disattached from my body. Like I was there but I was not there. After going to many doctors and finding nothing, I decided to go to a psychic. (This was before Katrina)
The psychic took one look at me and said, "holy hell you've been through so much. Your spirit is completely disattached from your body." She suggested I do yoga to get my mind back insync with my body. Then I started yoga which somewhat helped. But weird things were still happening to me and I couldn't figure out why. I would get pounding headaches. Horrible headaches. I had gone to the doctor multiple times, had a brain and orbital MRI, and saw a neurologist. They of course went to the "go-to" diagnosis of migraines. But I have had migraines, and this pain was different. Another weird circumstance, everytime I would drive past a certain street light it would turn off. Every single time. So one day, months ago, a mutual friend was talking to me about Katrina. Telling me how of an amazing medium she is and I thought, "I wonder if she could help me?" Something kept telling me to contact her, so I did. I later realized that it was my spirit guides pushing me to contact her. She helped me learn about myself and open my once "catholic mindset" to other views and possibilties that I had never even stopped to think about before. She explained to me that the pressure I often feel in my head is actually a spirit trying to communicate with me. I still am not comfortable with the thought of speaking to a spirt, so all I have to do is ask them to please leave because I am not ready to help them yet, and the pain immediately disappears. It is so nice to be able to talk to someone who "gets me" and understands what I am experiencing and is able to explain it to me. I was SO LOST before and now with her help I am finding out who I am and what I am supposed to be doing in this life. Katrina also explained to me that my dejavu dreams are actually "prophetic dreams" which I have quite often. They are a gift and I am still learning how to deal with them. She has been able to tune into my past lives and what has happened to me in those lives - which ties into the fears that I have in this life. We are now working on letting go of fears, so that we are able to heal and learn from the fear itself. One of most interesting things that has been brought to my attention is the soul family. I whole heartedly believe that we have one soul family that we travel with to every lifetime. I know who is a part of my soul family. It is a really awesome feeling. I now believe that we are in each life to either learn something or to teach something. I think I am learning now to teach later on. Now, I can feel deep connections with certain people who I know I am connected with and why. I am listening to my intuition and spirit guides and it is really helping me live my life happily and I have stopped wondering, "what the heck is going on?"
Katrina, thank you for all you have done for me and for being a great friend. Don't ever doubt yourself, you help everyone you work with! :)"
- AO